Ct, Working hard, sustainably
Sourcing locally is one of the most important aspects of being Green.
At Community table we work hand in hand with our local farmers, not just during the growing season, but all year round. This close collaboration ensures that the farmers can plant and harvest the produce we want to feature on our menu. They share their expertise on what grows best and most consistently in our region, while we learn from them and reduce the carbon footprint of traditional long-distance, mass-distributed products. It's a partnership that benefits us all and inspires us to do more for sustainability.
We are able to source our lettuce locally, year-round. A minimal amount of root vegetables and such, in the winter. Late Spring and Summer we are able to source 95% of our produce locally. We also source a good percentage of our meat and fish within 100 miles.
We are deeply grateful to our dedicated farmers, such as
Earth Palate Farm in Warren CT,
Maple Bank Farm in Roxbury CT,
Whippoorwill Farm in Lakeville CT.
Hudson Valley Fisheries-Hudson NY,
Toplands Farm-Roxbury CT
Cato Corner Cheese--Colchester CT
Calf and Clover Creamery-Cornwall Bridge CT and many more
Their hard work and commitment to sustainable farming practices make our local sourcing possible, and we couldn't do it without them.